Walla Walla Noon Peacebuilder Club

The Walla Walla Noon Rotary Club became a Peacebuilder Club on April 6, 2022.  The Peacebuilder Committee Co-Chairs are Jan Corn and Nancy Milton.  
Some upcoming projects/events the committee is planning include speaking to the club about the History of Peacemaking and Rotary, planting a peace pole and establishing a peace park in Walla Walla, and holding a Peace Forum/Symposium in the next Rotary year.
Peacebuilder Committee Activities 2023
During Peace and Conflict Resolution Month, committee member, Sam Castillo, delivered the meeting inspiration on 2/2 with a speech by Gandhi about peace. 
Nancy Milton spoke to the club about the Rotary Peace Centers Fellowship Program.

 Peacebuilder Committee Activities 2023

On 13 April 2024, the Walla Walla Rotary Peacebuilder Club held its first gathering of Peacebuilders and community stakeholders.

The event began with a Peace Pole Dedication that included a welcome, inspirational messages and song/prayer, and a pledge of peace.

Keynote speakers for this event were Deloria Bighorn and Dr. Pedrito Maynard-Reid.

The celebration ended with facilitated listening circles to share ideas on how we may cultivate peace in our communities and around the world.


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