District Website

Website Publication Guidelines

The District Website is evaluated and moderated on an ongoing basis by the District Webmaster with input from the Website Committee.

  1. Submissions for publication must be forwarded to the Webmaster at least three days prior to the planned date of publication.
  2. Stories submitted for publication must be formatted with a Descriptive Title, a short introductory paragraph (400 characters or less), and if appropriate, additional story content. Please see the Website & Digest Template for guidance on how to submit a story for the District Website.
  3. Graphics for the submission must be supplied in jpg or png format.
  4. Links for publication or embedding in text or graphics must be validated by the author prior to submission.
  5. All submissions must include an author so the webmaster can contact the author if necessary but a by-line (individual author or committee name) does not need to be published.
  6. Submissions must include an end date for viewing that is no longer than 90 days after the publication date or on the date of an event listed as the topic of the web story, whichever is sooner.

The webmaster reserves the right to edit, format, or delete website stories if the stories do not meet District or Rotary International 4-Way Test standards.

The webmaster will discuss any concerns regarding submitted materials with the listed author.

