Grant Partnership Requests
and Funding Opportunities

The D5080 Governors and District Rotary Foundation Chair regularly receive requests from Districts across the Globe to help fund projects. These requests come in two forms:

  1. Districts that are looking for International Partners to apply for and administer Global Grants in the host location.
  2. Districts that are looking for additional funding from Clubs and Districts for projects that are being planned in their locality.

District 5080 does not provide support to Global Grants unless a Club from the District is willing to make a financial commitment to the project. If a Club makes this commitment, the D5080 Foundation Committee will authorize matching available unallocated DDF according to the schedule in use at the time of the request.

There are no current grant participation requests available.

If your Club elects to contribute to a project and would like to be considered for matching DDF, please contact the District Rotary Foundation Chair prior to making your commitment to participate to ensure that sufficient DDF is available to meet the request.

