Peace Library

The following list of books, pamphlets and documents are recommended readings on Peace and Peacebuilding written by authors with extensive knowledge and expertise in defining and creating a world at peace.


Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict & Complexity Publications

Alliance for Peacebuilding

Annual Reports

Peace and Conflict Journals

 Chappell, Paul K. | Peace Literacy Institute

Will War Ever End?: A Soldier's Vision of Peace for the 21st Century, 2009

The End of War: How waging peace can save humanity, our planet and our future, 2010

Peaceful Revolution: How We can Create the Future Needed for Humanity's Survival, 2012

The Art of Waging Peace: A Strategic Approach to Improving Our Lives and the World, 2013

The Cosmic Ocean: New Answers to Big Questions, 2015

Soldiers of Peace: How to Wield the Weapon of Nonviolence with Maximum Force, 2017

The Transcendent  Mystery: A New Paradigm for Understanding Peace, Trauma, Technology, and the Human Condition, TBA

Coleman, PhD, Peter T. | Sustaining Peace Project | Columbia University

Making Conflict Work: Harnessing the Power of Disagreement, 2014

The Way Out: How to Overcome Toxic Polarization, 2021

District Peace Committee Published Articles

District Peace Committee Videos

Galtung, Johan

Peace by Peaceful Means, 1996

Institute for Economics and Peace | Vision of Humanity

Rotary/IEP Hub

Vision of Humanity

Afghanistan Conflict and Crisis

Changing Perceptions in a Changing Climate

COVID-19 and Peace

Ecological Threat Report | November 2023  

Ecological Threat Report Presentation | November 2023

Ecological Threat Report 2023 YouTube Discussion

Economic Value of Peace 2021

Global Peace Index | June 2024

Global Peace Index Presentation | June 2023

Global Terrorism Index | February 2024

Global Terrorism Index Presentation | February 2024

Positive Peace Implementation Guide

Positive Peace Report | April 2024

Positive Peace Presentation 2022

Positive Peace - Systems Thinking Presentation 2022

Safety Perceptions Index 2023

Ukraine Russia Crisis Terrorism Briefing

UNESCO Framework for Enabling Intercultural Dialogue 2022

World Risk Poll: Spotlight on Ukraine and Russia

 Killelea, Steve | Institute for Economics and Peace

Peace in the Age of Chaos: The Best Solution for a Sustainable Future, 2020

Rotary Action Group for Peace

Your Piece of Peace

Transcend Media Service - Solutions Oriented Peace Journalism

Video Collection on Peacebuilding

Becoming a JEDI for World Peace (2:40) 

IEP Launch of 2022 Global Peace Index (1:32:20)

Define Positive Peace - Johann Galtung (1:58)

Negative and Positive Peace (4:20)

Peace Train - Yusef "Cat" Stevens (4:12)

Peace, Data and IEP (2:33)

Positive Peace vs Negative Peace (6:53)

Traveling as a Global Citizen - Rick Steves (1:35:13)

World Travel and Social Justice - Rick Steves (58:23)

Rotary Peace Fellows in Action (2:24)

Peace Is - Rotary International (5:24)

The Impossible is Calling - Rotary International & IEP (3:01)

The Story of Human Rights (9:30)

Youth, Peace and Security Handbook, Video Introduction UN (4:59)

