Peace Circles
Restorative Practices

Restorative practices is a field within the social sciences that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities. Though newer to the social sciences, restorative practices has deep roots within indigenous communities throughout the world.

Core Assumptions of Restorative Practices are:

  1. The true self in everyone is good, wise, and powerful

  2. The world is profoundly interconnected.

  3. All human beings have a deep desire to be in a good relationship.

  4. All human beings have gifts, and everyone is needed for what they may bring.

  5. Everything we need to make positive change is already here.

  6. Human beings are holistic.

  7. We need practices to build habits of living from the core self.

The practice of Peace Circles is a Restorative Practice originating in ancient times among many of the indigenous peoples of the world. The intent of the circle is to improve the ability of the participants to solve conflicts and concerns through positive interaction and honest discussion.

The elements of a Circle are...

  1. Introduction of Purpose

  2. Agreements

  3. Mindfulness Moment

  4. Introduction of Participants Names and Values

  5. Ice Breaker

  6. Discussion Rounds

  7. Closing

Peacemaking Circle Training at Vermont Law School (3:25)

Facilitating Restorative Circles for Community Building (38:19)


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